Patryk Mccallie is a class of 2023 linebacker from Southwest High School in Jacksonville, North Carolina.
Measurables: 6’1 210
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Scouting Report: Patryk has good speed and lateral quickness. He is a solid tackler. He makes many plays in the opponent's backfield. He is coachable and a leader.
VTO All American
VTO All American
Top 5 All American TE
Honor Roll since middle school
National Honors Society
"I have always loved football. Just the feeling of stepping out on that field feel good to my soul. When in the off season, I can’t wait to be back on the field. It is my life and I cant wait to learn how to advance. It is a great relaxer, stress reliever, has taught me discipline and teamwork since I was six. Apart from that, it keeps and helps me to challenge myself to keep my body and mind fit and healthy. The brotherhood is amazing and its a team game that makes it a more enjoyable game. It has taught me the importance of sportsmanship. leadership, and unity. My family have always believed in me and that has motivated me even more to chase after my dream to play college ball."